The Chapel of Saints Felix and Nabor © Kur und Bäder GmbH Bad Krozingen

Bad Krozingen


The Chapel of Saints Felix and Nabor

Felix-u.-Nabor-Straße 3, 79189 Bad Krozingen-Schmidhofen

The Chapel of Saints Felix and Nabor © Kur und Bäder GmbH Bad Krozingen
The Chapel of Saints Felix and Nabor © Kur und Bäder GmbH Bad Krozingen

General information

The patron saints of this chapel in Schmidhofen, saints Nabor and Felix, were Roman soldiers who were believed to have been martyred for their Christian faith in around the year 304 in Milan. The unusual patronage was probably conferred via the Monastery of St Trudpert to Schmidhofen. The first documentary reference to this chapel dates to 1370. In Schmidhofen people would pray for the intercession of Saints Nabor and Felix when they had pains in their ears.

Since this patronage is found only in Schmidhofen, researchers think that this may be a popular derivation because of the long pronunciation of the vowel in Nabor. In any event, the two saints were considered to have brought about the miraculous healing of two people who were hard of hearing at the beginning of the 18th Century. The site therefore became a lively centre of pilgrimage. These pilgrimages encouraged St Trudpert to rebuild the chapel in 1759. In 1764 the Stork Inn (Gastwirtschaft Storchen) was built to accommodate the pilgrims.

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