Reconstruction: The well tower on the east side of the main castle © Stadt Nagold

Hohennagold Castle


Well Tower

Well Tower
The remains of the well tower in 2020 © Johannes Hanschke
The buried well in 2020 © Stadt Nagold


The well tower protrudes like a bastion from the eastern castle wall. Merian’s engraving shows an upper story, which was at the level of the courtyard und had a tread-wheel to obtain water. The well tower could be reached from the castle as well as from the lower enclosure.
In 1644 the bailiff described the well as being a fine well with lively springs and even healthy water. However, it needed to be repaired. The roof of the Well Tower was covered with boards.
For wells like this it would often be necessary to dig down 20 to 100 meters in the cliffs in order to reach water. Sometimes it was necessary to dig all the way down to the valley. Hohennagold lies 135 meters above the valley where the Nagold River and the Waldach River flow together. There were also several springs on the castle mountain. It is unknown how deeply the well had to be excavated until water was reached. The curb, or round stone boarder of the well, is the only part of the well still visible. The well shaft has been buried since the 17th Century.

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